Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Swapping Stories


by Naree (adapted from http://waze.net/oea)

  1. Tell a personal story (funny or from childhood) and give it a title.

  2. Tell them its their turn. Pass out a small piece of paper to each student so they can write the title of their story down. Give them time to think and write.

  3. Tell them the directions: They will go around and tell someone his/her story. Afterwards, each person should swap their little piece of paper and go to someone else. Now they must tell the story that is in their hand (someone else's story). This means they need to carefully listen and re-tell.

  4. After 20 minutes or so have them sit down and share some of the stories they liked/heard. Ask the original storyteller if the story just told was correct. This is usually the funny part b/c sometimes things are waay off! They usually have fun learning something new/funny about each other.

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