Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Senior 1 lesson: Inventions
by Shannon

(sorry, I don’t have a handout to share for this one; I did the descriptions of each invention on big sheets of butcher paper)

Objectives: Learning new vocabulary, using comparisons

Teacher brings pictures and descriptions of various inventions (from as simple as a vegetable peeler to as advanced as a submarine). After pre-teaching new vocabulary, students read the descriptions together. Before breaking the class into groups, go over ways to make comparisons (more than this one, better than that one, etc.)

In groups, students are given two of the inventions and asked to list 3 reasons that one is more useful than the other. Answers are shared with the class.

Finally, each student group is given 10 minutes to design their own invention. The teacher gives an example and some guiding questions (who would use this? How much would it cost?) Students share their ideas with the class. (Alternatively, this assignment could be given as homework and the lesson could be stretched over 2 class periods).

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