Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Segret Agent Game

From VIA Lesson Book (found by Molly)
image from www.ossn.com

Free Talk/Topic Talk: Movies (have class generate list of possible conversation questions)

Introduce the most famous spy in western cinema – James Bond 007 (show them James Bond DVD) and just a brief history about 007 and Ian Flemming.

Have class list of job duties of James Bond (try to get them to say, “get information/steal information”

Game set up:
Have each student take out a small piece of paper and number them off, they write down the number you tell them. Have them fold up the paper and give it to you. Keep track of the last number you assigned.
Distribute work sheet (see below) and explain activity:

1. Have the student’s put a number from 1 - last number you assigned at random in the blanks. They will take a lot of time doing this so hurry them up.

2. Tell them the story – that there is a lady in distress and their mission is to obtain all of the information requested on their paper. They need to write down the person’s name and the answer to the question.

3. Mix up and redistribute the numbers they had written down earlier – explain and stress that the number that they had previously wrote down is meaningless, that was their old “spy” number and you are giving them their new, official secret agent number.

4. They have to find the agents that belong to the numbers they wrote in the blanks on their worksheet and ask them the question (IN ENGLISH), write down the agent’s name and answer on the paper. If they scribble out and/or change the numbers, they will be disqualified.

5. (optional) My classes were all older students, so I offered them a reward – to the first student to obtain all of the requested information and put their completed paper in my hand, they would receive a copy of the latest James Bond movie.

6. Quiet class down and verify information (I would allow them one incorrect answer)

Give the following handout to students:

Dear Agent,

We are working on a top secret case. Your assignment is to obtain all the information requested on this paper. Make sure you find out and write the other agent’s name to the left of the question. Also make sure you write the answer to the question to the right of the question. Carry out all of the instructions carefully. The success of the mission depends on you. Good Luck!

Your Chief,

Agent 001

  1. Find out the following information:

    1. What is no.______’s favorite food?

    2. Where does no.________ live?

    3. What is no._________’s favorite sport?

    4. What kind of music does no._______ like?

    5. Does no.________ believe that there is life on other planets?

    6. What would no.________ do if he/she had $500?

    7. How many brother and/or sisters does no.________ have?

    8. Ask no._________ “What is something that you can do pretty well?”

    9. If no._________ could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

    10. When does no.________ like to exercise? How often?

    11. Ask no.________ to describe the most beautiful place in China.

    12. What does no.________ like to do on weekends?

    13. If no.________ could invite and two famous people to his or her birthday party, who would he or she invite?

    14. Does no._________ believe in ghosts?

  2. Sing a song with no._________.

  3. Ask no._________ to draw a picture and sign it.

  4. In order to rescue the lady in distress and become the country’s hero, you must ask and answer these questions:

    1. Ask no._________ to describe the ideal husband or wife.

    2. What does no.________ think that life in China will be like in the year 2100?

    3. What is no._______’s dream job? Why?

    4. Who does no._______ admire most? Why?

This is your mission. GOOD LUCK!

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